Autor Thema: Jean d'Reichsknalli (aka Jeanette Reich)  (Gelesen 61303 mal)

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Re: Jean d'Reichsknalli (aka Jeanette Reich)
« Antwort #360 am: 27. Juli 2017, 11:21:24 »
@5 Beiträge weiter oben: Ich würd' sagen, sie hat es erfasst und wir können einpacken, oder?

Ich habe vorsichtshalber schon mal eine Passage auf dem nächsten Flug zum Reptiloidenplaneten reserviert (natürlich auf SSL-Kosten)!
Man weiss ja nie!11einsELF!  ;D
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Re: Jean d'Reichsknalli (aka Jeanette Reich)
« Antwort #361 am: 27. Juli 2017, 11:25:10 »
Schreibt Frau Reich unter dem Pseudonym Dora Rotkohl unter ihre eigenen Artikel Kommentare?
Sie hat sonst nichts (und niemanden) im Leben.
"Vom Meister lernen heißt verlieren lernen." (hair mess über Peter F., auf Bewährung entlassenen Strafgefangenen )
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Re: Jean d'Reichsknalli (aka Jeanette Reich)
« Antwort #362 am: 28. Juli 2017, 09:13:09 »
Schreibt Frau Reich unter dem Pseudonym Dora Rotkohl unter ihre eigenen Artikel Kommentare?
Nur der Vollständigkeit halber: Sie hat ihre Kommentare gestern Abend gelöscht.
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« Letzte Änderung: 28. Juli 2017, 09:15:05 von Pirx »

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Re: Jean d'Reichsknalli (aka Jeanette Reich)
« Antwort #363 am: 28. Juli 2017, 10:17:43 »
Nur der Vollständigkeit halber: Sie hat ihre Kommentare gestern Abend gelöscht.
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Tja war halt doch zu auffällig Frau Reichkohl!  ;D
Ein Geisterfahrer? Quatsch! Hunderte!
- Alle Reichsbürger. Immer -

Es muas a Blede gem, oba es wern oiwei mehra
- Gustl Bayrhammer -


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Re: Jean d'Reichsknalli (aka Jeanette Reich)
« Antwort #364 am: 30. Juli 2017, 09:29:33 »
Schreibt Frau Reich unter dem Pseudonym Dora Rotkohl unter ihre eigenen Artikel Kommentare?
Nur der Vollständigkeit halber: Sie hat ihre Kommentare gestern Abend gelöscht.
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Das hatte sie unter dem Nick "Pickles" vor drei Jahren mal @A.R.Schkrampe nahegelegt. Auf ihrem Blog ist nun nichts mehr los. Ein zwei Jahre alter Artikel in einem English, welches die Briten sehr amüsieren dürfte (von Google übersetzt?) mit einem von fünf Bewertungssternen bei 5 Bewertungen. Dazu unsere damalige Mitgliederliste und ein Screenshot ihrer PN-Liste hier im Forum. Ansonsten Verfolgungswahn und Anspielungen auf die Malta-Masche. Ich bin bekleistert.
« Letzte Änderung: 30. Juli 2017, 09:39:00 von dtx »

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Re: Jean d'Reichsknalli (aka Jeanette Reich)
« Antwort #365 am: 31. Juli 2017, 11:16:25 »
Ein zwei Jahre alter Artikel in einem English, welches die Briten sehr amüsieren dürfte (von Google übersetzt?)

Vielen Dank, @dtx , für die Aufmunterung am heutigen Vormittag. Und ich dachte schon, dass mein Englisch schon so eingerostet ist, dass mir ihre Formulierungen so sonderbar vorkamen.
Obwohl: Wenn ich das Deutsch hernehme, das der absolut überwiegende Teil unserer Kundschaft pflegt, und das mal sinngemäß auf englische Formulierungen übertrage, dann kommt vermutlich solch ein Englisch dabei heraus.
Ich habe mir bereits eine feste Meinung gebildet! Verwirren Sie mich bitte nicht mit Fakten!

Offline Pantotheus

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"Vom Meister lernen heißt verlieren lernen." (hair mess über Peter F., auf Bewährung entlassenen Strafgefangenen )

Offline A.R.Schkrampe

Re: Jean d'Reichsknalli (aka Jeanette Reich)
« Antwort #367 am: 31. Oktober 2017, 17:57:19 »
Moppelpöterchen hat seit Monaten nichts Neues bei, aber ein bißchen Bockmist auf der wordpress-Seite:

...und andere Artikel ohne Inhalt, sondern nur mit dem "as follows"-Mini-Sprüchlein.

Offensichtlich ein kleiner Hochrülpser ohne Hintergrund.


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Re: Jean d'Reichsknalli (aka Jeanette Reich)
« Antwort #368 am: 1. November 2017, 08:03:20 »
Moppelpöterchen hat seit Monaten nichts Neues bei, aber ein bißchen Bockmist auf der wordpress-Seite:

Tricks and antics directed from top down in order to sabotage the lives of many qualified people that want to go back to work. How the GDR dictatorship methods and human trafficking is taking place. The stealing of money, blackmailing and oppression of people with bestiality. As follows…

Fragt sich natürlich, wer sich sein Leben versauen will, indem er eine derart von Haß gegen alle und jeden triefende Person einstellt. Da muß doch schon ein normales Vorstellungsgespräch zum Eklat werden. Aber dann noch


Offensichtlich ein kleiner Hochrülpser ohne Hintergrund.

Zumindest ohne greifbaren. Vermutlich ist ihr beim Meldetermin im JobCenter weder Kaffee noch Kuchen serviert worden. Die Erfahrung machen andere Leute auch, ohne deshalb gleich gegen Gott und die Welt ausfällig zu werden.

Schreibt Frau Reich unter dem Pseudonym Dora Rotkohl unter ihre eigenen Artikel Kommentare?
Sie hat sonst nichts (und niemanden) im Leben.

Vor sechs Jahren war das noch anders:,cntnt01,detail,0&cntnt01articleid=850&cntnt01returnid=15
« Letzte Änderung: 1. November 2017, 08:19:34 von dtx »

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Re: Jean d'Reichsknalli (aka Jeanette Reich)
« Antwort #369 am: 20. August 2018, 14:19:38 »
Ich habe zwar nicht verstanden, um was es hier eigentlich geht und wie das alles mit allem und dem Rechtsanwalt zusammenhängt, aber da scheinen sich ja offensichtlich zwei sehr unterhaltsame Verhandlungstage in Berlin abzuzeichnen:


      1 Vote

New attacks against me planned for December 3rd/ 10th under the east German Taliban, also known as the German Stasi. This will be another fraudulent game, an act of severe discrimination, of denouncement and is now also again severly jeopardizing my life. I have been sabotaged and terrorised so far for many years and there is no relief. They have asked a member of the east German Taliban, who supported dictatorship in the past, to attend as a psychiatrist. This man has obligations in his field of work BUT he gets paid by court and therefore he knows already what they ask for. He has not contacted me and he is hiding in a city called Wandlitz which is a little bit outside of Berlin. Wandlitz is the area where Erich Honecker and all other Stasi leaders from GDR dictatorship lived. According to documents that I possess, this person also was a member of the Stasi. All acts and most of the people against me are members of the Stasi and they do this on purpose. I am from the west, I am from the south, and all over the place of Germany the methods and the psycho business Modell has spread in order to oppress, let people disappear, discriminate, steal property, doing a genocid against us. The members of the Stasi(Nazis and Jews) signed a lifelong oath to destroy anybody from the west.
In 2014 I was attacked by the police on the streets for crossing the street with my bicycle, going to the other side, because I saw from the distance that something was going on with a Taxi car. In order to prevent myself to get involved into something I crossed the street with my bicycle, so I did not have to pass them. A young fat policewoman yelled at me for no reason and made up a story . She said I was then on the wrong side of the street and she wanted my ID. She became very bossy, blocked my way and then she and her collegue attacked me. Her collegue attacked me from the back and I tried to hold my bicycle. He had a little scratch on top of his finger because he also „hit“ my bicycle basket. I had bruises all over afterwards. I screamed loud before the airport of Tegel. A young couple came and helped me and told the police to let me go. Other 2 policemen immediately attacked me too and put me in handcuffs. This couple insisted on them to let me go. Afterwards they made up more stories against me: I would have made the Hitler arm, I would have insulted them by asking if one of them was only a „Hilfspolizist“ („helper policeman and not fully trained from an outsource company that they give jobs to and they only have a couple of months training, deceiving people with a police uniform in front of buildings), then they accuse me I would be an enemy (!!!) of our law (!!!) THEY DO NOT FOLLOW!!!
Now they try to use this story against me and they have hold up this against me for the last 4 years for tactics! They are forcing me to be in contact with a lawyer who years ago was unfriendly on the telephone  and who is also a member of the east German Taliban. He said to me on the ohone, „I will not play your games“- although he never met me. He is biased, he gets paid by court and he has to protect his face from his past. He is used against me and therefore he never would give me anything until I sent a complaint to court and also asked for a psycho test for HIM because the only tricky letter he sent to me was overloaded with mistakes that I would expect from a student from Elementary School or someone with problems in reading and writing. He had no secretary at this time, his name was not officially published in a lawyer’s office and I went there to confront him. I sent a fax and set a date and gave him a timespan. He lied afterwards and I said to myself that was enough and brought a letter to court to fire him for me. Of course, what do you think the court did? They kept him and one year later he would sent me some copies, most of them are my papers that I handed in at court before, no contact with him ever, because I complaint to the European Commission. But believe me, I smell the air and the further harrassment with all against me. Their goal so far has been: ZERSETZUNG and oppression of my person and my life.
In the meantime they have started this also online against me for political reasons. It has been going on for years and these are the methods from their past. We in the south had nothing to do with it. I did not know anything about the east and their people. The history lessons that we had were made for our generation not to get to know much and the east Germans are trained to lie and they take advantage of it. East Germans have a 50 year , I call it „safety zone“. That means they are protected from prosecution for their crimes they have committed during their dictatorship. So they „laugh“ and can continue with their shit.
To make it clear: Germany has developed backwards and my life and the lives of so many is jeopardized. What happens in court rooms and how people and children disappear is something I just cannot find the right words anymore. I lost trust and my bond to my own country. I am full of hatred and I came here in 2010 for job reasons and at the beginning at the end of March 2012 I was already in handcuffs and was put in psycho jail and accused of stuff that I did not do. I was deported to the concentration camp in Ravensburg- Weissenau, was attacked by a group of people and a Lebanese who pushed pants in my face, then I was deported to the concentration camp of Berlin- Wittenau. After 7 months of oppression and make me look like a criminal and putting a „stamp on my forehead“, the judge sent a fax to release me „instantly“, which is fake as well, because they should have let me go instantly and then long before but they blackmailed me to talk to a psychiatrist ( if she really is one). This to turn their stories and for financial oppression. They gave me a fine, an entry in the police record check, I lost my job, my school place and I broke down with the result of a heart massage. GDR victims have told me this is exactly that they did during their dictatorship under Honecker and what happened under Hitler. It has been now almost 8 years of terror, no chance for me to come back to normal life and have success. And honestly speaking, I cannot look in these people’s eyes any longer. I wish I could load a weapon and shoot them, sit in a plane with my stuff and my 2 guinea pigs. This would be my inner peace and relief. You cannot do anything to protect yourself, you cannot strive, you cannot be happy. I did not expect this ever in my life and I was always good to people. These people deserve the gas chamber, the electric chair, death by hanging, death with a lethal injection or be tortured until they stop with their terrorist methods and lies. They stalk me.
I had no problems before but they involve you in problems and they destroy all what you worked for or tried to achieve. They are jealous, envious and criminal people and they let look others look like criminals because they cheat on papers with their methods from dictatorship and this is for e.g. 1/76 Mielke guideline. They learnt how to write fraudulent things down that you can hardly prove the opposite. This is what psychiatrists do. They can write anything they want. Sometimes they have doctors arrested when they find out who they really are and what they’re doing. Sometimes they lock up a judge for letting people disappear, old people disappear, to create guardianship cases so they have control over you and then these people screw you over. They steal property and these people become your personal dictators. My whole life has changed in a 180 degrees full turn and they already have pushed down my future perspectives and my retirement. It is a genocid against me and the rest of Germany. Also that I collapsed and was found unconscious by a young nurse in 2012 in the hospital was no coincidence.
If you have the solution in your pockets, let me know. I am speechless right now. I studied to become a teacher, I worked shift work to be able to cross the Atlantic and see something of the world, I went to German Championships, I was volunteering, I never had any problems with drugs or alcohol (except for 1 time when I drank a big cocktail and that was too strong for me), I was discriminated in school, I struggled with many things, and I was left alone with all the chaos. Exactly these ongoing provocations and bullying stories are the reason why many have loaded their weapons. If I had had one, I would have loaded it and would have forced down some people. My life and future was systematically destroyed. And no, it was not my fault and I do not let anybody brainwash me and tell me I would have made this and this fault. This manipulation and putting words in my mouth does not work with me.
I hope this „Mafia“ will be executed soon. I cannot come back to life. I want to burn all the papers, the fraudulent stories and see these people dead or behind bars and barriers. But this is their game against me and they have planned this before and have planned it against me for the last 4 years. It is oppression, fraud, blackmailing, intimidation, distress and altogether a terrorist attack.
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D adaistische I lluminatinnen für die E rleuchtung D es A bendlandes

Tolereranzparadoxon: "Denn wenn wir die uneingeschränkte Toleranz sogar auf die Intoleranten ausdehnen, (...) dann werden die Toleranten vernichtet werden und die Toleranz mit ihnen.“ Karl Popper

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Re: Jean d'Reichsknalli (aka Jeanette Reich)
« Antwort #370 am: 20. August 2018, 14:26:03 »
@Müll Mann, das wäre doch eine prima Gelegenheit, zurückzustalken, wenn der Termin im Dezember wirklich steht.
Staatsangehörigkeit ist da, wo auf dem Reisepass steht. Heimat ist da, wo der Wohnungsschlüssel passt. Alles andere wäre zu kompliziert.

Müll Mann

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Re: Jean d'Reichsknalli (aka Jeanette Reich)
« Antwort #371 am: 20. August 2018, 14:41:51 »
Ich habe zwar nicht verstanden, um was es hier eigentlich geht und wie das alles mit allem und dem Rechtsanwalt zusammenhängt

Also der Anwalt hat ihr schonmal nicht gefallen, vielleicht meint sie ja den. Aber damals waren das noch Nazis und nicht Stasi.

Ich vermute mal, dass die Verhandlung die Berufung zum damaligen Urteil von Richter Daniel ist. Links bezüglich des eigentlichen Vorfalls und Schriftwechsel dazu gibt es in diesem Post (unterhalb von dem Gerichtsvollzieherkram)

Hab ich zwar nix zu tun mit der Sache, aber mal gucken wann sie  hier wieder anruft oder auf der Matte steht.
Folgende Mitglieder bedankten sich: dieda, Pirx, Gast aus dem Off

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Re: Jean d'Reichsknalli (aka Jeanette Reich)
« Antwort #372 am: 12. Februar 2019, 11:46:51 »
Die Welt hat nun eine neue Lyrikerin und die hat mit einem schwer verholpertem Doppel- Haiku das größte Staatsgeheimnis des SSL geleakt:
unsere schwarze Kasse von 1989 zum Mauerfall.  ???


East and West –

what kind of a pest.

Syphilis and HIV –

jail and fraud in Berlin for free.

Stabbing, shooting and raping –

mass media is faking.

Radio and TV –

financed with forced GEZ fee.

With liberty and justice for all –

Billions were spent for the fall of the wall.
D adaistische I lluminatinnen für die E rleuchtung D es A bendlandes

Tolereranzparadoxon: "Denn wenn wir die uneingeschränkte Toleranz sogar auf die Intoleranten ausdehnen, (...) dann werden die Toleranten vernichtet werden und die Toleranz mit ihnen.“ Karl Popper
Folgende Mitglieder bedankten sich: Leela Sunkiller, x

Offline kairo

Re: Jean d'Reichsknalli (aka Jeanette Reich)
« Antwort #373 am: 12. Februar 2019, 13:37:39 »
Die Welt hat nun eine neue Lyrikerin und die hat mit einem schwer verholpertem Doppel- Haiku das größte Staatsgeheimnis des SSL geleakt:
unsere schwarze Kasse von 1989 zum Mauerfall.  ???

Radio and TV –
financed with forced GEZ fee.
With liberty and justice for all –
Billions were spent for the fall of the wall.

Na, ich würde sagen, das war doch gut angelegtes Geld.
Folgende Mitglieder bedankten sich: dieda

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Re: Jean d'Reichsknalli (aka Jeanette Reich)
« Antwort #374 am: 12. Februar 2019, 13:42:04 »
And billions are needed,
as Donald has tweeted,
to build us a wall,
which never will fall.
"Teurer als die bittere Wahrheit ist uns der erhabene Wahn." (Alexander Puschkin)
Folgende Mitglieder bedankten sich: dieda, Pirx, SchlafSchaf, Gast aus dem Off, Reichsschlafschaf, 0xFEEDDEAD