Autor Thema: Sovereign Citizens and Law Enforcement - USiA  (Gelesen 10064 mal)

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Mir ist nicht so ganz klar, wo das Thema hier besser aufbewahrt wäre.

Bislang ist hier auf keinen einzigen Zeitungsartikel oder Fernsehbeitrag verwiesen worden. Was spricht also dagegen, in dem Faden weiter zu schreiben, den @drxdsdrxds angefangen hat?

Spontan kann ich mir vorstellen, neben "Österreich" und "Schweiz" noch den Bereich "USA" aufzumachen.

Hm, aber nicht, wenn es gerade mal zwei Fäden gibt und neue nur aufgemacht werden, weil man die alten nicht mehr findet oder nicht mehr mag - aber letztendlich dann nur findet, daß die Deppenschaft in den USA lieber ihre Autoscheiben zu Bruch gehen läßt oder jemand anders in der überbuchten Maschine eine Chance gibt, als sich auf der Straße oder im Flughafen vernünftig zu verhalten.

« Letzte Änderung: 12. Mai 2017, 21:16:31 von dtx »

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Sonst lohnt es sich wirklich nach "judge Hurley" zu suchen. Der Richter hat es einfach drauf. Dessen Videos sollten eigentlich unseren Richtern gezeigt werden.

Der absolute Klassiker:

Vielen Dank für diesen link.
Es war nur gut, dass ich mein Smartphone abgestellt hatte, das wäre echt schief gegangen am Ende:
"und wenn Sie die Person David Hall sehen, sagen Sie ihr, sie kommt auch nicht aus dem Gefängnis frei."
Man muss die Tatsachen kennen, bevor man sie verdrehen kann.
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Richtig heftig diese Geschichte...

Im Artikel ist auch ein Video zu finden und Links zur Vorgeschichte ... unbedingt ansehen, da gibt es dann auch einen Link zu der Klage des "Papier-Terroristen", da finden wir etwas wieder, was wir spätestens seit Carl Pöter auch hier kennen: Die Doppelpunkte vor den Namen.  ;D

NASHVILLE, TN (WSMV) - She never expected they’d all have mugshots; her brother, her ex-husband, her mother and herself.

But Noel Sims is finding out just how serious prosecutors are in linking them all to what’s been described as a scheme to steal a home from a family in Nolensville.

Across the nation, Sims’ brother, Leighton Ward, is accused of running similar schemes that have him accused of committing what’s called “paper terrorism.”

“It's so far from the truth,” Noel Sims said.

She is the first in her family to talk about the criminal charges that she said came out of nowhere.

“I was in utter shock. I was like - what? Say that again?” she said.

Sims path to criminal charges when her brother, Ward, came to her with what at first seemed to be ludicrous claim: that the mortgage was fraudulent on the family home where she and their mother lived, and he wanted to sue her mortgage lender in something called the Federal Postal Court.

Ward later explained that the way her mortgage was written included incorrect syntax and that because her mortgage lender had failed to respond in Postal Court, there was a judgment now on the home and she was entitled to a large sum of money.

“Did you think – ‘this is crazy? This is insane. This can't possibly be true?” asked the News4 I-Team.

“Sure, but the way he described it, it made sense,” Sims said.

Sims said she alerted her realtor of the judgment by the Federal Postal Court when her mother sold the property in Nolensville, and promptly didn’t think of it again.

Sims said she remarried and moved to Michigan, and was unaware that Ward would go to the new owners of the family’s old house, Brad and Emily Qualls, and tell them they were trespassing.

The News4 I-Team first exposed last June what happened next, how the Qualls ultimately took out a restraining order because they came to fear Ward, and how anti-hate groups believe what he is doing is called paper terrorism.

Ward is accused of being a sovereign citizen who doesn’t believe in our form of government and files the mortgage fraud lawsuits in the fictional court as vindication of the ideology.

The News4 I-Team also found that Ward is accused of spreading the same claims about fraudulent mortgages and taking people’s money to file the lawsuits, throughout California and Arizona.

PREVIOUS STORIES: Family confronts paper terrorism, vows to keep fighting | Man blamed for creating havoc with mortgages from Tennessee to West Coast

Prosecutors allege in court filings that Sims, her ex-husband and her mother intended to defraud the Qualls by selling the home, and then taking out an insurance claim on the property afterwards declaring it was their own.

When Sims learned of the criminal charges, including attempted theft and criminal simulation, she was stunned.

Sims said she had no idea her brother had gone to the Qualls to talk about the faulty mortgages, but she remembers what the told the couple when they contacted her afterward.

“I don't know what Leighton is doing, I don't understand it, but I know he doesn't have bad intent. He truly wants to help you and he wants to help us,” she said.

Ward told the Qualls as well that their mortgages were fraudulent, and they should sue their mortgage lenders and when it was settled in the Federal Postal Court, they could split the proceeds.

“(Ward’s) also been described as running a pretty elaborate scheme that you are now charged in,” asked the News4 I-Team.

“I don't believe there's malice in him, I don't believe he's out to hurt anybody,” Sims said.

Sims said her brother truly believes that the mortgages are fraudulent and she hasn’t seen any proof that his beliefs are wrong.

“You don't believe what he's done is a scheme? You don't believe he's tried to scam people out of money?” asked the I-Team.

“No. I don't. I know him. It's not who he is. He's truly trying to right a huge wrong,” Sims said.

“What would you say to people who might see this and say, this poor woman, she has no idea that she is caught up in her brother's madness?” asked the I-Team.

“I wouldn't call it madness. I call it passion,” she said.

“Bottom line, at the end, of the day, you have criminal charges, you are being sued, and it's all because of your brother. How do you make peace with that?” asked the I-Team.

“I just live my life with my husband and we fight this the only way we know how. And that's with truth,” Sims said.

Sims said a not-guilty plea was issued on her behalf, and she intends to fight the charges.

Ward remains in an Arizona jail facing charges in that state, and neither Sims’ ex-husband nor mother has responded to our request for comment.

Copyright 2018 WSMV (Meredith Corporation). All rights reserved.
« Letzte Änderung: 11. Juli 2018, 04:24:43 von Gutemine »
"Der Pfarrer predigt nur einmal!"
Folgende Mitglieder bedankten sich: Happy Hater, Rolly, Neubuerger, Krawutzi Kaputzi

Müll Mann

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Hier noch mehr zum Postal Court

The judgment required OCWEN, a purported mortgage lender, to “delete” the balance owing on a deed of trust, reconvey it to the plaintiff, and notify the Federal Postal Clerk when it was accomplished. The “rest of the filing [was] a largely unintelligible jumble of code like numbers, letters, and legalistic terms with little apparent connection to one another.

Ms. :Penny-Lee Gilly:, with or without her colons, didn’t appear, but two people did by phone from Arizona: David Wynn Miller, a self described Judge of the Federal Postal Court, and Leighton Ward, the clerk of that court. According to Mr. Miller, the court was established by Benjamin Franklin on July 4, 1775 but was closed shortly thereafter because of the Revolutionary War. The court was “reopened” by Mr. Miller and a “colleague” on December 21, 2012, a date which the court wryly noted was “well known as the predicted end of the world according to the Mayan Calendar.

The Federal Postal Court may lack a courthouse, but it makes up for it by having “transitory jurisdiction” with a “presence wherever the federal postal eagle symbol may be.” It is a very convenient approach that seemingly makes motions for change of venue obsolete.

Mr. Miller orally describes his name as “David hyphen Wynn full colon Miller” and claims that only nouns have legal meaning. His “sophisticated mathematical understanding of language ... proves that certain mortgage documents are fraudulent.” This, as you might suspect, comes in very handy in dealing with the mortgage crisis. In the hopes that I could explain his vision to you, I watched some of Mr. Miller on YouTube but I got stuck on the first hyphen colon.
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link=topic=1591.msg125567#msg125567 date=1494656338]
Es war nur gut, dass ich mein Smartphone abgestellt hatte, das wäre echt schief gegangen am Ende:
"und wenn Sie die Person David Hall sehen, sagen Sie ihr, sie kommt auch nicht aus dem Gefängnis frei."

Besonders lustig ist der Austausch zwischen dem Anwalt und dem Richter ganz am Ende.

Im Artikel ist auch ein Video zu finden und Links zur Vorgeschichte ... unbedingt ansehen, da gibt es dann auch einen Link zu der Klage des "Papier-Terroristen", da finden wir etwas wieder, was wir spätestens seit Carl Pöter auch hier kennen: Die Doppelpunkte vor den Namen.

Spannend. Und es zeigt auch wieder: Es wird alles immer nur kopiert, unsere Deppen sind nichtmal in der Lage, sich selber solche kaputten Ideen auszudenken.[quote author=Tonto

« Letzte Änderung: 11. Juli 2018, 09:07:43 von Neubuerger »
Sebastian Leber über Rüdi: Hoffmanns Beweisführung ist, freundlich ausgedrückt, unorthodox. Es geht in seinen Filmen drunter und drüber wie bei einem Diavortrag, bei dem der Vortragende kurz vor Beginn ausgerutscht ist und alle Dias wild durcheinander auf den Boden flogen.
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Hier noch ein nettes Gespräch/Interview des FBI zum Thema "domestic terrorism" und "Reichsbürger".

Und noch zwei aktuellere Fälle:
Feature Story

The conspiracy issue: The Constitution is a fake!

By Rachel Leibrock
[email protected]

This article was published on 07.05.18.

It was 2011, Barack Obama was still POTUS and a determined group of Sacramento residents was determined to take back their country.

The Sacramento chapter of the Republic for the united States of America (Yes, the “u’ is lowercase—because, uh, sticking it to the man?) to be specific, fashioned itself as part of a national so-called shadow government determined to “restore” the United States to its lawful roots by reinstating the country’s original Constitution. The original document, they argued without—what’s the word—proof, had been abandoned in 1871 in favor of a new decree that stripped states’ rights and turned the United States into a business entity that would turn every U.S. citizen into an individual corporation off of which it could make a tidy profit.

Corporations are people? Something like that.

The Republic’s mission included occupying current state and federal governments, helping people shrug off credit-card debt, mortgages and various tax obligations by nitpicking through contractual language for loopholes and inconsistencies. Some sovereign citizens have gone as far to refuse to pay for the basics. In 2015, for example, a Sacramento couple found itself surrounded by a SWAT team after telling a Department of Utilities customer service representative they’d answer with a shotgun if someone tried to shut off their water.

(Of note: While so-called “sovereign citizens” are vehemently anti-government, militia ties are not always clear, including RuSA’s).

Now, it’s 2018 and the Sacramento chapter of the RuSA has seemingly disappeared with little to no web presence. And, although the national group still maintains an online internet profile, its reach seems more limited than it did nearly a decade ago.

In 2012 the group’s president James Timothy Turner (as in U.S.’s “real” president) was indicted on 10 federal felony counts, including defrauding the federal government, trying to pay taxes with “fictitious financial instruments” and failing to file federal tax returns. In 2013 Turner, who occupies a spot on the Southern Law Poverty Center’s hate group watch list, was found guilty on all charges and sentenced to 18 years in federal prison.

Perhaps, too, says John Sims, who teaches constitutional law at McGeorge School of Law, this fade from the spotlight has something to do with the current political environment. With Donald Trump in the highest office, some anti-government types, including members of the Republic, may be less antsy for change.

“My impression would be that certain groups of conspiracy theorists who have been totally opposed to the federal government—especially when the face of that government was a black face that espoused policies they opposed—they may [now] have an antipathy to the current political order,” Sims said.

Whatever the reason for their relative quiet, he adds, the belief that we’ve been living a constitutional lie for 147 years is pure fiction.

“I can’t frame [their] arguments in any way that has any degree of constitutional plausibility or political plausibility. I just can’t,” Sims said with a laugh. “These people imagine that … they have this key and once it’s revealed the whole world will change. But that’s not how things work.”


Wie man sieht, kämpft man nicht nur in Deutschland mit den Eintragungen ins Schuldnerregister der USA

Records show Cromwell filed the liens — for millions of dollars apiece — against everyone from the judge initially assigned to his case to prosecutors and police while he waited to be tried on the fireworks show charges. State law allows anyone to file a lien online with the Tennessee Secretary of State for a fee, which led to rampant abuse of the system by members of the sovereign citizens movement and other fringe groups.

Those abuses prompted a crackdown by the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation that included the indictments of Cromwell and four other East Tennessee sovereigns. A jury found the five guilty in May, and sentencing took place June 27.

Recent legislation makes challenging the liens easier for public officials.

Oak Ridge 'sovereign citizen' could get new trial but still likely to die in prison
Matt Lakin Knoxville News Sentinel
Published 1:52 p.m. UTC Jul 7, 2018

A state appeals court shaved eight convictions off the record of the Oak Ridge "sovereign citizen" who backed into a crowd and killed a man at the city fireworks show three years ago.

He's still likely to die in prison, even if prosecutors don't try him again.

An Anderson County found Lee Harold Cromwell, 68, guilty last year of vehicular homicide and eight counts of aggravated vehicular assault in a backward driving rampage through a crowded lot at A.K. Bissell Park the night of July 4, 2015. Cromwell's Dodge Ram pickup struck several people and vehicles, killing James Robinson, 37, of Knoxville, as Robinson pushed his two daughters out of the way.

Records show Cromwell had a history of bizarre court filings that denied the legitimacy of the government, including Tennessee's driver license laws. The verdict earned him a total of 12 years in prison — five years for Robinson's death and seven more for the others in the crowd injured that night.
The court's ruling

The Tennessee Court of Criminal Appeals this week upheld Cromwell's conviction for killing Robinson but threw out all eight vehicular assault convictions. Senior Judge Paul Summers, who presided over the trial, gave jurors "misleading and confusing" instructions on how to decide those charges, the court concluded.

The decision cuts Cromwell's effective sentence in that case down to five years unless prosecutors choose to try the assault charges again. But the ruling came just a week after a Davidson County judge slapped Cromwell with a 25-year prison sentence for filing bogus liens against various Anderson County officials.

Records show Cromwell filed the liens — for millions of dollars apiece — against everyone from the judge initially assigned to his case to prosecutors and police while he waited to be tried on the fireworks show charges. State law allows anyone to file a lien online with the Tennessee Secretary of State for a fee, which led to rampant abuse of the system by members of the sovereign citizens movement and other fringe groups.

Those abuses prompted a crackdown by the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation that included the indictments of Cromwell and four other East Tennessee sovereigns. A jury found the five guilty in May, and sentencing took place June 27.

Recent legislation makes challenging the liens easier for public officials.

Anderson County District Attorney General Dave Clark said in a Friday news release he’ll speak with the surviving crash victims and decide whether to conduct a new trial on the vehicular assault charges.

"Given Mr. Cromwell's age and the sentences he has to serve, we must consider the best interests of the state and the victims to determine the course of action that will best lead to justice," Clark said.
'Paper terror'

Sovereign citizens deny the legitimacy of the U.S., state and local governments and often rely on a mishmash of conspiracy theories, discredited legal arguments and internet rumors to wage personal crusades against public officials and anyone else who crosses them. Bogus liens and frivolous lawsuits, often filed in handwritten complaints on homemade legal forms, tend to be a favorite tactic of what scholars call a "paper terror" campaign.

Cromwell, for example, not only impugned the "corporate existence" of all government but argued repeatedly with his lawyer, James Scott, during the trial for not challenging the authority of the judge and jury to hear his case.

Published 1:52 p.m. UTC Jul 7, 2018


Auch in den USA gründet man dann "Kirchen". Hier geht es um die "moorish", die wir ja auch schon hatten, die Grundstücksbesitzern einfach mal eine Steuerforderung über 500.000 Dollar schicken.

Im Artikel sind vor allem Videos zu finden, in denen auch schön die "UCC files" erklärt werden.
« Letzte Änderung: 11. Juli 2018, 12:56:21 von Gutemine »
"Der Pfarrer predigt nur einmal!"
Folgende Mitglieder bedankten sich: Rolly

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Wie man sieht, kämpft man nicht nur in Deutschland mit den Eintragungen ins Schuldnerregister der USA

... und diese werden also auch in Tennessee angemeldet, nicht nur im Staat Washington, der aus unerklärlichen Gründen bei den deutschen Reichsfuzzis so überaus beliebt ist. Vermutlich ist das Verfahren in allen Staaten ähnlich, denn der UCC soll ja gerade eine Vereinheitlichung bewirken.
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... und diese werden also auch in Tennessee angemeldet, nicht nur im Staat Washington, der aus unerklärlichen Gründen bei den deutschen Reichsfuzzis so überaus beliebt ist.

So dumm gebildet wie sie sind, verwechseln sie möglicherweise den Bundesstaat Washington mit Washington, DC.
" Artikel 19 Grundgesetz ist zu akzeptieren! Da steht, was da steht. Aufgrund dessen sind quasi alle Gesetze ungültig. "
Maik S., Hobbyjurist
Folgende Mitglieder bedankten sich: Rolly

Müll Mann

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So dumm gebildet wie sie sind, verwechseln sie möglicherweise den Bundesstaat Washington mit Washington, DC.
Genau, denn wie wir von Mario gelernt haben: Was in der Hauptstadt gilt, das gilt im ganzen Land.
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Wie man sieht, kämpft man nicht nur in Deutschland mit den Eintragungen ins Schuldnerregister der USA

... und diese werden also auch in Tennessee angemeldet, nicht nur im Staat Washington, der aus unerklärlichen Gründen bei den deutschen Reichsfuzzis so überaus beliebt ist. Vermutlich ist das Verfahren in allen Staaten ähnlich, denn der UCC soll ja gerade eine Vereinheitlichung bewirken.

Dem ist tatsächlich so, alle Bundesstaaten haben das UCC als Vorlage für eigene Gesetze genommen, die allerdings durchaus in verschiedenen Varianten daherkommen.
Allerdings ist das immer noch wesentlich einheitlicher, als wenn die Bundesstaaten sich nicht am UCC orientieren würden.
Folgende Mitglieder bedankten sich: Rolly

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Genau, denn wie wir von Mario gelernt haben: Was in der Hauptstadt gilt, das gilt im ganzen Land.

Das kommt aber soweit mir bekannt ursprünglich von Ebel.

Aber im Ernst, es wäre gar nicht schlecht, wenn wir dieses Video, für diejenigen, die des englischen nicht so mächtig sind Untertiteln könnten. Allerdings nehme ich mal nicht an, dass das Copyright-Technisch möglich sein wird, oder uns der Radiosender die Erlaubnis geben wird?
"Consider how stupid the average person is. Now consider that half the population is even more stupid than that!"
Folgende Mitglieder bedankten sich: Gutemine, Rolly, Krawutzi Kaputzi

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mein Favorit ist ja der hier:
"Step back"
«Die Dummheit hat aufgehört, sich zu schämen»
(Psychiaterin und Gerichtsgutachterin Heidi Kastner)

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mein Favorit ist ja der hier:
"Step back"

" aah ahh not please...I`m not doing anything wrong"...was er leider nicht sagte...because I`m only a stupid human being...person...sovereign citisan...♥♥♥ and again...♥♥♥

Wie schon vor 4 Jahren geschrieben wurde:

vor 4 Jahren
The ending was the best


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Nur als Beispiel, der Kanal gibt noch viel mehr her:

« Letzte Änderung: 26. Juli 2018, 20:23:16 von dtx »
Folgende Mitglieder bedankten sich: Tonto

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Die meisten Szenen in dem Video zeigen keine Sovereign Citizen. Das sind einmal Anhänger von "Flex Your rights" und  zum Zweiten Menschen die den Standpunkt vertreten, dass es gegen die Verfassungs verstößt, wenn die CBP  (Customs and Border Protection) Kontrollen im Hinterland der Grenzen durchführt. Lustigerweise sind das oft auch Leute, die wegen Trumps Mauer nach Mexico jubeln.

Oft sind Anhänger dieser Ideen aber nicht richtig informiert und reiten sich deswegen in die Kaka. Zum Beispiel der Heini am Grenzübergang. Da darf ohne Zweifel kontrolliert werden. Außerdem sprechen die von arrest, meinen aber detention. Könnte man grob übersetzen mit arrest = Verhaftung und detention = Gewahrsamnahme. Stimmt aber nicht ganz. Detention bedeutet einfach eine Situation, in der man nicht erwarten kann unbehelligt weiterzugehen. Arrest dagegen bedeutet, dass man einer Straftat beschuldigt wird. Durch das Gekasper schaffen die es regelmäßig, aus einer detention einen arrest (wegen obstruction) zu machen.

Die Personen in dem Video waren also größtenteils gewöhnliche Querulanten.
Folgende Mitglieder bedankten sich: Evil Dude, Tonto, Aloysius, Neubuerger