Autor Thema: Sovereign Citizens and Law Enforcement - USiA  (Gelesen 10065 mal)

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Ein Thema über die Sovereign Citizens - United States in Amerika

Via Friedensdemo-Watch

"Ein mit mir befreundeter Amerikaner, der hier in Deutschland lebt, hat mir (aus seinem Eigeninteresse an dem Thema "Reichsbürger") ein Video verlinkt, in dem er mich auf die Gemeinsamkeiten der sogenannten Sovereign Citizens in den USA mit den Reichsbürgern hier bei uns aufmerksam macht. Dieses Video ist als eine Schulung für Polizisten gedacht. Hintergrund ist der, dass Sovereign Citizens in den USA weitaus gefährlicher sind als unsere oft nur belächelten Reichsbürger, deswegen werden solche Videos gemacht. Aber die Gemeinsamkeiten in den Aktionen dieser Gruppen verschlagen mir die Sprache, ich habe schon gewusst, dass die viele ideologische Grundlagen teilen (extremster Libertarismus, der ins Rechtsextreme abdriftet). Im Prinzip kopieren unsere Reichsbürger aber das Verhalten der Sovereign Citizen Movement mehr oder weniger 1-zu-1. Darunter wären als 1-zu-1-Entsprechungen zu den Reichsbürgern hier in Deutschland hervorzuheben: - Erkennbar unbegründete Anzeigen, Widersprüche oder die Einleitung anderer juristischer Schritte, die nur dem Zweck dienen, die Behörden mit unnötiger Arbeit zu belasten (Reichi-Standardverfahren) - Fantasie-Nummernschilder an den Fahrzeugen der Sovereign Citizens und gefälschte Führerscheine (die Nummer hat u.a. Fitzek hier in Deutschland gebracht) - Bezugnahme der Sovereign Citizens auf den "Universal Commercial Code" (vgl. Bezugnahme auf das Handelsrecht / BRD Gmbh / "Der Staat ist eine Firma" bei den Reichsbürgern) - Mitarbeiter von Sicherheitsbehörden werden in unnötige Diskussionen verstrickt mit dem Ziel, die Legitimation und die Kompetenzen dieser behördlichen Mitarbeiter infrage zu stellen (ebenfalls Reichsheini-Standardverfahren) - Anfertigung von Audio-/Videoaufzeichnung der Gesprächsinhalte im Geschäftsverkehr mit Behörden (hier in Deutschland: Verletzung der Vertraulichkeit des Wortes, $201 Stgb; gibt es mittlerweile einige auf YT hochgeladene Videos von Reichsdeppen) - Der Verkündungsanspruch der Gruppen: Es werden Seminare abgehalten (vgl. Frühwald und Konsorten) Schaut doch mal wie wichtig ein maximal restriktives Waffengesetz ist, wenn Ihr dieses Video schaut! Die AK-47 aus dem im Video besprochenen Polizistenmord ist der fast einzig noch verbliebene Unterschied zwischen diesen Weirdos und unseren Reichsdeppen. Das ist wirklich nicht ungefährlich, da der/die erste(n), die gewalttätig werden, das Vorbild für die anderen sein und zur Gewalt mobilisieren könnten. Der Film gibt ganz konkret die Beispiele einer Radikalisierung solcher Gruppierungen nach Waco und dem Terroranschlag von Oklahoma City an, wo genau dies eintraf.

Sovereign Citizens and Law Enforcement


Hochgeladen am 01.11.2010
This Southern Poverty Law Center video was created to help law enforcement agencies better prepare for encounters with "sovereign citizens." In the case of two West Memphis, Ark., police officers, Brandon Paudert and Bill Evans, a routine traffic stop of father-and-son sovereign citizen duo Jerry and Joe Kane in May proved fatal when son Joe, 16, leaped from the car firing an AK-47, cutting down both officers. The Kanes died in a shootout with police an hour later in a Wal-Mart parking lot after wounding two more officers. SPLC estimates that as many as 300,000 people may consider themselves sovereign citizens — and the number is growing."

Offline drxdsdrxds

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Zur Einstimmung noch ein paar YT-Videos:

'Sovereign Citizens' Appear In Court


Sovereign Citizens on nightline on abc news

Sovereign Citizen Gets In Officer’s Face & Dares Cop To Arrest Him…Guess What Happens!

Sovereign Citizen Get Tased Trying To Enter Courtroom - Traffic Stops of Sovereign Citizens/Clear And Present Danger
« Letzte Änderung: 14. Mai 2015, 20:24:31 von Ramadan Rantanplan »


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Sovereign, freeman arrest a treasonous judge and seize court

Ist in Großbritanien und nicht in den USA.

Offline drxdsdrxds

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Da sind ein paar geniale Videos dabei.
Folgende Mitglieder bedankten sich: Brundibaer

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Gefällt mir. Kann man das vielleicht mal an die Wortmarke Wittenberg weiterleiten? Vielleicht lernen die daraus noch was.

Gut, gut, sehr optimistisch bin ich da auch nicht, aber einen Versuch ist es allemal wert.

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Ich habe mich mal auf die Suche nach Reichsdeppen, Staatsleugnern etc. aus dem englischen Raum gemacht. Ursprünglich wollte ich ergründen ob es dort Gruppierungen gibt, wie diese organisiert sind und wo sich die Theorien am auffälligsten überschneiden (z.b. strawmen theory). Wie so üblich wird man auch im Ausland erstmal zugeschüttet. Scheinbar bin ich hier in Afrika gelandet. Eine längere Email mit vielen scheinbar besonders wichtigen Informationen habe ich von jan of the family lohfeldt erhalten. Diese folgt hier im Volltext mit Anhang.

here's a compilation (so far & ever-changing) of useful info :

if you got 3 hours, watch 'consent of the governed' >>> <<<

if you got 70min, this is the best summary talk by edward griffin >>> <<<

or the all new documentary "strawman - the nature of the cage" >>> <<< (ernie wayne tertelgte - absolutely amazing one man court appearance) (robert hayes - british constitution group) (hagan smith - national liberty alliance) (simon el spaniardo - probably most entertaining ex-bank manager ripping the bank) (legitimacy of the courts) (karl lentz @ UK Column Live) (josie on being an outlaw, brilliant) (victor beck - the monopoly analogy) (dean clifford) (best talk by edward griffin, author of 'the creature from jekyll island') (edward griffin : JP Morgan, Cecil Rhodes, roundtables & CFR explained)

Meet Your Strawman

Stop The Pirates: Successful A4V

JOHN HARRIS : It's an Illusion | 2009 (FULL VERSION) - YouTube (john harris)

Notice Of Acceptance Of Constitutions And Of Oath Of Office

Income Tax Act, 1962 (Act No. 58 of 1962) (is tax voluntarily ?) (Whitey Harrell : no tax, not guilty) (bill thornton)

Magistrate fails to prove Juristiction - Freeman Dismisses - YouTube

Sovereign, freeman arrest a treasonous judge and seize court - YouTube (personal favourite) (UCC)  or

Brother Thomas speaks to Freedom Central - YouTube (SA appointed Unified Common Law Grand Jury)

CSPOA St. Charles Highlights Video - YouTube (sheriffs in the US)

How To Defeat Admiralty Courts And “The Law Of The See” – by Judge Dale, Retired | Streets of Love - unconventional

$9,000,000,000,000 MISSING From The Federal Reserve SHOCKING FOOTAGE - YouTube (not so much common law, but common sense and a good laugh or cry...) (Anthony Williams - private attorney general) (party against politics) (Unified Common Law Grand Jury of Southern Africa) (Common Law Grand Jury Florida) (Cindy Kay Currier on Grand Juries) (the natural wo/man) (rampant injustice) (OEG - quantum energy generator) (garry davis, may he travel freely forever now) (some voodoo a la kalika?)

check these websites : (common law society in SA)  (get your driver's card, a laissez-passer, RGH number plates and a record disk) invite code :   JAN20150114130103L (common law SA youtube channel) (international tribunal for natural justice) (gary davis - world citizen passport) (simon the spaniard aka white rabbit of the jedi academy) (bill thornton) (most approachable & comprehensive concept so far) (south african judges) (santos bonacci, a slightly more spiritual angle) (you need to install 'hola unblocker' >>> <<< to access this website) (the RSA deception) (karl lentz) (british constitution group) (NewERA) (global passport) (very powerful & useful documents) (Mary Elizabeth Croft) (Robert David Steele) (new economy) (global arrests soon) (constitutional re-set in the UK) (forget about holy war, this is war from the heart, heart-warring) (simon goldberg)

the common sense people of southern africa

last but not least :

here is some very enlightening information on land 'ownership' :

land cannot be owned, never did, never will, some lay claim to it, big chunks, selling it in small/medium/big portions to others including a piece of paper called a title deed. Speak to any tribal, genuine, native, aboriginal (not the australian) people, no-one owns land, it cannot be owned; at best you can be a custodians of a section for some time, if you have honest interests at heart. Think of the piece of land your house sits on, how much do own ? how deep ? 10 inches ? 20 meters ? half way to the core of the earth ? all the way ? which gets tricky with a sphere like our planet since surface & volume decreases with diameter, unless people's property would be peg shaped from the surface to the core... it just happened in the rocky mountains where farm 'owners' refused fracking companies to access their farms, they were in the belief they own the land, until the US government said, but only about (i don't know the number, but it was some inches) x inches deep, anything below is property of the USA; they were then told to either consent (that word again) or move, sell or be removed... you only own what you create, now who created the land ? (i'm not a creationist, nor a bible supporter or steadfast in any other indoctrinated religious sermon) or : you cannot take what is already there, say you walk through the forest, there's a wooden sculpture on a plinth, would you take it ? would you sell it (with a title) ? we back at common law, common sense, the law of the land...

you can take a house away, even a skyscraper including its foundation, but you cannot take land away...

part of the trickery here is also, that the actual property is not the physical land, but the title deed, a 2 dimensional piece of paper with value allocated to it, it's lacking the 3rd dimension, depth, giving it any volume, just like the surface of 'your' land or the land you were sold... this, the title deed (with other papers) is what's been traded, not the land itself (since that'd be rather complicated/impossible); for many people i've encountered, the title deed or ownership thereof, is of fundamental importance, they think it secures something or gives them rights to be there, when it is merely a privilege (remember, citizens or members of the public have no rights, they have been 'exchanged', by tacit consent or acquiescence, for privileges), a paid privilege, nothing but overpriced rental incl. monthly admin fees... if you live in a house, you rather have it on a piece of land or a piece of paper ?

they, RSA (Pty) Ltd sold you something, with 'help' of the bank, by facilitating an entirely fraudulent 'loan',
you cannot own, nor did they at any time... as per preamble in the constitution : "... and believe that South Africa belongs to all who live in it... "

reading & understanding the above, how do you feel about 'property' tax now ? in fact, the government, if assuming any management duties here, should pay me for being a good custodian.

and a local free traveller's experience with corporate agents :

"I AM Mark, with a GOOD HOPE STORY!“

It went like this. On a beautiful day in Cape Town, South Africa, the Gregorian date being the 28th day of January 2014. Mark Anthony Collins was merrily driving along the Kommetjie Road, near Cape Point, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa. He was on a scooter, when two dear gentlemen, commonly known as ‘traffic cops’ in their costumes (not the swimming type) put up their hands and stopped him.
To his surprise, he noticed that the one chap had the same surname as his - ‘Collins’, confirming in his mind, that we are all JUST ONE FAMILY! However, when Mark pointed this out to his uniformed clad brother, he was having nothing of it, and that feeling of ‘oneness’ was certainly not on his agenda. He responded with, “well! that’s not going to help you here!!”
He then puffed out his chest and demanded, in a firm manner that Mark produce his motor-bike diving license! Mark responded with the Truth, that he does not posses such a thing. The expectant officer’s eyes lit up, as he headed towards the back of the bike, to check the numbers on the plate and the little round license disc.
Mark sent a silent call to The Light above, and tangibly felt a flood of courage come into him!
The number on the disc had expired, and which made the officer even more expectant and determined!
“Switch off the bike!” He commanded, endeavouring to intimidate Mark, to which Mark politely did as he requested.
“Give me your ID book,” he then demanded! “I don’t have one of those,” said Mark politely. “Well what it your number then? “ to which Mark responded with a smile on his face, “I don’t have one of those either, I AM a free-man on the land!” He then demanded Mark disclose his place of abode, to which Mark responded, with sincerity, pointing to his body, “it is in this body!” He then asked for his address, and Mark responded, “Republic of Good Hope” “Where is that?” said the officer. “It is International,” said Mark, and “I can produce that license and ID for you, but I don’t think you will be interested, as there is no money involved.”
Again in a voice louder than was necessary, he demanded that Mark remove his helmet. Mark not feeling so inclined, just politely declined the offer.
This really infuriated the poor chap, and we suspect that it crossed his mind that Mark was perhaps not a ‘full deck!” Little did he know!!!
His eyebrows rose, and a quizzical look come onto his face. He responded with the following. …..”This is serious stuff here! Is this a joke to you?” As Mark had been smiling through the whole charade, realizing the absurdity of it all.
The cop, looked toward his fellow partner in crime, and there appeared to be a ‘silent code of conduct’ coming into play, and out came the BIG CONTRACT book!
He then decided to put his well-polished intimidation tactics into action to get Mark to consent, to secure the contract, and said, “ We will have to detain you until you can produce your ID number!”
To this Mark said, “Ok, we can go, but I have free-will and I DO NOT CONSENT!”
This really put the cat among the pigeons, and motivated his crime partner to walk in military style right up to Mark, talking in a manner, that would lead one to assume that Mark was possibly deaf, “Do you not know the law!!!!?”
Mark felt the surge of Truth rise up in him and he said, “I know the law very well! I know your law; I know Common law and the Constitutional law. I will go with you peacefully, but I DO NOT CONSENT to anything that you are doing to me, as I know that I AM a free-man on the land, so that is why I don’t have an ID that you understand. Please may I see your ID?”
Mark then got the feeling that the poor fellow began to realise that the very ground upon which he was standing was morphing into quick-sand, as he fumbled around in his back pocket and produced his Green ID book, to which Mark then confirmed with great enthusiasm, that he did not have one of those!
One of the partners then said quietly to his friend, “een van daar die mense!” (one of those people!)
Then the two partners in crime just looked at each other and started to laugh, and Mark happily joined in!
Mark then said he would however, give them his name, and proceeded to tell them that he was called “Mark Anthony Collins.”
Then the officer joked about the name of his partner, saying that Mark was his cousin! To which the partner replied, “I don’t have f….ing mad cousins like this!”
And they all laughed!
Mark then said to the joker, “I never disrespected you, so why are you disrespecting me?” The Joker was taken aback, and responded with an apology and a smile. They knew the game was up! The large CONTRACT BOOK got closed, and the little pink book emerged from the back pocket, identifying him as a ‘Peace officer’ and not a ‘traffic official.’
This little piece of paper does not need any name, signature, or details of any kind, except for that of the Peace officer, who chooses to add his name, badge number and signature! It is a little warning that they are still trying, but realise that they have NO POWER over the ones who know the Truth!
Mark then took the gap, and decided to use this excellent opportunity to further enlighten what he perceived, were his deceived brothers! Little did HE know!
“Do you know you are working for a private company? “ said Mark, to which his namesake responded with a ‘yes!’!
“Do you know that the Government is also a private company?” Again the response was ‘yes!”
“Do you know that you are not working for the people, but you are working for a private company, calling themselves a government?” Again he said “yes!”
“Did you know that the banks own the government and your company?” Again he responded with a ‘yes!”
Then all was revealed, as a final question was interrupted . . . .it went like this:
“Do you know that the banks are owned by, . . . .” and before Mark could finish his question, the peace officer replied . . . .”The Vatican!”
It was now Mark’s turn to take a step back in disbelief and realization that the truth was out even among those who are still trying to enforce the old Ponzi Scheme that is still stealing from the people!
Mark now climbed onto the ‘soapbox’.
“There are people all over the world who now know the Truth, and who are taking their power back and we are saying ‘NO MORE OF THIS SLAVERY SYSTEM!’ We want to take responsibility for ourselves and we want peace and freedom. We have respect for those endeavouring to maintain the peace. But the world is changing, and millions now know that this slavery system is over. You have a choice to continue working for these fraudulent private money making corporations or you can choose join the people!”
The peace officers then looked at each other and colluded that “we are not getting anywhere with this lot!” gave up and walked away!
Mark then thanked the Light Above, and drove home with a GREAT feeling of Gratitude, Victory, Power and Freedom!
We know we cannot take credit for anything as all the Truth, Courage, Power and Love comes from the Light, “I AM” Above and within! But still, hats off to Mark for living it!
What a wonderful day! Thank you!
All was done with Peace, fun, laughter and goodwill – and the ending was happy and the feeling of Brotherhood shone out like a Light!
Go on people!! Do the same, but remember the feelings of Respect and Peace are essential!



support lower case lifestyle

jan: a people of the family lohfeldt

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« Letzte Änderung: 19. Oktober 2015, 01:26:57 von John J. Hollert »

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Aus den Links lässt sich einiges erahnen. Hier ein paar Perlen:

International Tribunal for Natural Justice

World Government of World Citizens

Dort gibt es den "World-Passport".

Dieser wurde sogar schon von Germany anerkannt.


Ansonsten geht aus den vielen Links auch erfreulich hervor; AMERIKA ist reorganisiert!!!!11!!! Allerdings sind die Organisationen uneinig über die Organisation (Kommt einem ja bekannt vor) und sowieso ist auch hier das meiste heiße Luft die produziert wird. Militant sind die da drüben natürlich teilweise auch.

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Der "World Passport" ist von Kotelett (von allen Seiten bekl....) Jessiele verwendet worden
Zum Geburtsjahr behauptete er, möglicherweise im Jahr 1975 als ein Frank Büntert geboren zu sein. Andernorts behauptete er auch, 1979 (26. Juni 1979) oder 1981 geboren zu sein. In einem Worldpassport, der als Fantasiepass bei einer amerikanischen Firma (WSA) zu kaufen ist, wird das Geburtsdatum 26. Juni 1980 mit Geburtsort Maracaibo (Venezuela) angegeben. (siehe 1)

Auch ein "freier" (das frei bezieht sich wohl auf jede Art von Verständnis und Intellekt) Energieberater, Bernd Markus Schmid verwendet den (wozu bloß  :scratch:) (2):

Auch die Ösis haben den anerkannt:

Es tut so weh....
Angst und Unmöglichkeit sind aus meinem Wortschatz gestrichen

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Der afroamerikanische Sovereign Citizen, Gavin Eugene Long, der sich selbst Cosmo Setepenra nennt, hat in Baron Rouge, Louisiana sein Unwesen getrieben.
Er erschoss drei Polizisten, verletzte einen schwer und zwei leicht.

Im Texas City Star wird über ihn berichtet:
Long declared himself a sovereign in records filed with the Jackson County recorder of deeds last year.
Außerdem gehörte er der "sovereign Washitaw Nation" an. Hierzu ein sehr interessanter Artikel:
(...) the Washitaw's empress claims that the land sold by France to the United States in the 1803 Louisiana Purchase was fraudulently obtained — and actually belongs to her. (...)  the Washitaw Nation employs the pseudo-legal language and theories of "common law" — an ideology birthed by hard-line American white supremacists in the 1970s and 1980s.

Dieser Fall ist insofern besonders aufsehenerregend da die Situation zwischen Afroamerikanern und Polizisten derzeit sehr angespannt ist.
Rechten Medien wie auch Politikern wurde durch die Tat ordentlich Futter gegeben. Jene betiteln ihn als "Black Live Matter"-Aktivisten. Dabei hat das "Black Live Matter"-Movement in anbetracht der Geschehnisse in den letzen Wochen stets friedlich demonstriert.


Dieses Jahr wurden bereits 138 Schwarze von Polizisten erschossen. Latinos, Asiaten und Weiße etwa 55.

Vor 3 Wochen wurde der 37 jährige Afroamerikaner Alton Sterling von 2 Polizisten zu Boden gedrückt und ein halbes Magazin in seine Brust entladen. Es gibt zahlreiche Aufnahmen davon.

Am 6.7. wurde Philando Castile im Auto mit seiner Frau und der 4 jährigen Tochter erschossen nachdem sie wegen eines kaputten Blinkers angehalten wurden. Er wurde vier oder fünfmal von der Seite in den Arm geschossen nachdem er seinen Ausweis aus der Hosentasche ziehen wollte. Seine Frau streamte seinen Todeskampf noch während dem Gespräch mit dem Officer auf Facebook. Dabei war sie nach wie vor bemerkenswert ruhig und respektvoll.

Vor ein paar Tagen versuchte der Afroamerianer Charles Kinsey (Therapeut) einen Autisten (Weiß) zu beruhigen der mit einem Spielzeugtruck in der Hand schreiend auf der Straße saß. Anwohner hielten den Truck für eine Waffe und riefen die Polizei.
Als die Polizei anrückte legte Kinsey sich demonstrativ auf den Rücken und streckte seine offenen Hände weit in die Luft, während er versuchte der Polizei die Situation zu erklären. Der Autist spielte derweil mit seinem Truck und schrie die Polizei an. Weshalb sich der Polizist nun veranlasst sah zu schießen ist kaum zu verstehen, erst recht da die Schüsse auf Charles Kinsey gerichtet waren. Jener überlebte glücklicher Weise und wurde in Handschellen festgenommen. Es existieren zahlreiche Videos.
Im Nachhinein gab man an, ausversehen auf ihn geschossen zu haben mit der Absicht ihn vor dem Autisten zu retten. Weshalb dann jedoch Kinsey in Handschellen gelegt wurde ist fraglich.

« Letzte Änderung: 26. Juli 2016, 17:57:28 von Hamster des Todes »

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Hatten wir hier auch schon mal mit einem wirklich guten Artikel in der Süddeutschen.
"Der Pfarrer predigt nur einmal!"

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Ah sorry, Gutemine! Das hatte ich übersehen.

Dabei war ich so stolz, wenigstens dieses Thema hier gefunden und nicht gleich ein neues aufgemacht zu haben.  ;D

Wenn alles gut geht, werde ich in nem halben Jahr in die Staaten ziehen. Deshalb beschäftige ich mich nun etwas mit deren Politik, Medien und Wirrköpfen.
Wie auch immer... die SZ hat eigentlich alles erwähnt, stümmt.


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Malheur National Wildlife Refuge occupier Ryan Bundy filed a series of court motions late Thursday, declaring himself a sovereign citizen who isn’t subject to federal laws.

Bundy, who is representing himself in the conspiracy case against the refuge occupiers, declares himself an “♥♥♥ of the ‘Legal Society’” and not subject to federal law, according to the documents.

“I, ryan c, man, am an ♥♥♥ of the ‘Legal Society’; and; am an ♥♥♥ (layman, outsider) of the ‘Bar Association’; and; i am incompetent; and; am not required by any law to be competent,” Bundy wrote in a motion filed to U.S. District Court Judge Anna Brown.

The filings are the latest in increasingly defiant and strange behavior from Bundy, including an alleged escape attempt from the Multnomah County Detention Center.
Prosecutors: Ryan Bundy Jail Escape Foiled During Cell Search

As justification for the filings separating himself from U.S. laws, Bundy filed a motion declaring himself a sovereign citizen of the “bundy society.” Within that filing, he declared himself a creation of God rather than a “person” as defined by legal dictionaries, and therefore is not subject to laws.

Bundy also wrote that his wife and children are members of the Bundy society, Brown is guilty of perjury, and that he believes his home state of Nevada and the state of Oregon are not within the United States. Instead, Bundy said both states are “sovereign union states” that are not within the jurisdiction of the U.S., which he said is limited to the District of Columbia.

Bundy’s declaration of sovereign citizenry is signed by his brother and fellow occupier, Ammon Bundy, as a witness. Both Bundys were leaders of the 41-day occupation of the wildlife refuge near Burns, Oregon.

Self-declared “sovereign citizens” have a long, if unsuccessful, history of declaring themselves not subject to federal laws.

Bundy also told the court in the filings that any past signatures by him are now invalid and that U.S. marshals and other law enforcement are illegally holding him in jail. He wrote that he should be paid $1 million to fill the “role” of defendant in the case.

Bundy muses in the filing that he is “willing to consider” playing the role of judge or bailiff in the case if the court pays him a similar sum.

“I, ryan c, man, will charge $100,000,000.00 if any man or woman or PERSON places another order for [me] to come before the court again regarding this matter,” Bundy wrote.

Bundy additionally said the federal government tried to kill him when he was arrested Jan. 26 during a traffic stop, and he should be paid $800 million “to restore i to the wholeness i enjoyed prior to begin taken and carried away.”

Judge Anna Brown quickly rejected the arguments Friday after reviewing the documents. She said that they did not raise “any legally cognizable issue,” and she ordered him not to refile the motions or bring them up to a jury in the Sept. 7 trial.

Brown also reminded Bundy that she had ordered him before not to assert the court had no jurisdiction over the case.

“The Court, therefore, warns Ryan Bundy that any further indication that he will not follow the Court’s Orders will result in Ryan Bundy forfeiting the right to self-representation,” Brown wrote.

Bundy is scheduled to return to court next Wednesday for a status hearing.

Ein neuer Versuch der Sovereign Citizens: Wenn ich mich doof stelle sind die für mich gar nicht zuständig.

Was aber noch viel interessanter ist, ist die Art der Amis darauf zu reagieren: Die Richterin hat ihm untersagt, vor Gericht vorzutragen, dass das Gericht nicht zuständig sei. Hält er sich daran nicht, verliert er sein Recht sich selbst zu verteidigen. Das sollte man in Deutschland auch einführen!

Offline Bundeshamstler

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Good Morning Sunshine!
Der Typ ist wirklich hot!

Besonders beeindrucken dürfte den Richter:

"i; ryan c, man, am an ldiot of the 'Legal Society'; and; am an ldiot (layman, outsider) of the 'Bar Association'; and; i am incompetent; and; am not required by any law to be competent;"


Das ganze "Schreiben" findet man hier:

« Letzte Änderung: 14. August 2016, 06:01:03 von Hamster des Todes »


  • Gast
Auch ein "freier" (das frei bezieht sich wohl auf jede Art von Verständnis und Intellekt) Energieberater, Bernd Markus Schmid verwendet den (wozu bloß  :scratch:) (2):

Auch die Ösis haben den anerkannt:

Bist Du sicher? Dann müßte es den Spuk ja schon End der neunziger Jahre gegeben haben. Guck Dir mal die Daten auf den Grenzübergangsstempeln an - zumal das (zwischen Brno und Wien) im Schengen-Innenraum ist und sich in den ehemaligen Zollgebäuden die Vietnamesenmafia mit ihren unversteuerten Zigaretten eingenistet haben dürfte.

Jemandem das Recht zur Selbstverteidigung abzusprechen müßte zwangsläufig zur Folge haben, daß man dem Mann einen Pflichtverteidiger beiordnet. Anderenfalls könnte von einem fairen und rechtskonformen Verfahren keine Rede mehr sein.
Ich wünsche mir das nicht in Deutschland, weil das bedeuten würde, daß man unliebsame Leute mit einer Serie zweifelhafter Anschuldigungen finanziell ruinieren könnte. Und wer sagt denn, wer in ein paar Jahren hier als "unliebsam" gilt ...
« Letzte Änderung: 14. August 2016, 07:37:26 von dtx »

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Auf die Schnelle finde ich die Bestimmung gerade nicht, aber es sollte auch hier möglich sein, jemandem einen Pflichtverteidiger beizugeben bzw. ihn zur Benennung eines Wahlverteidigers anzuhalten, wenn es Umstände gibt, die daran zweifeln lassen, dass er sich selbst ausreichend verteidigen kann.
Das spielte m. W. im Prozess gegen Ernst Zündel eine Rolle.
"Vom Meister lernen heißt verlieren lernen." (hair mess über Peter F., auf Bewährung entlassenen Strafgefangenen )