Autor Thema: Masterarbeit über Sovereign Citizen  (Gelesen 1352 mal)

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Müll Mann

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Anbei eine Masterarbeit aus den USA zur Frage, wie Sovereign Citizen zu erkennen sind und wie sie sich von ähnlichen Gruppen unterscheiden.

Ich habe keinen Faden gefunden, wo das passen könnte, daher hier. Kann gerne verschoben werden.

Offline Happy Hater

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Danke für den Hinweis auf diese interessante Arbeit!  ;D

Offline Helvetia

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Dito! Jetzt weiss ich, wo ich nächstes Mal abschreiben muss  :whistle:
"Ich gebe der ganzen Thematik noch maximal zwei Jahre, dann werden Elemente rechtlich abkassiert, die hätten nie geglaubt, dass das passieren wird." - Carl-Peter Hofmann (2018)


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Nicht zu vergessen, daß man das Thema auch illustriert bekommen kann:

Und hier noch mit ein paar interessanten Kommentaren dazu:

How can one be arrest for resisting arrest without being charged with anything else? There has to be a second charge for that charge to make sense.

Ah, someone who can't read. Always refreshing to see that on YouTube.
Oh wait... You tell me, "They need probable cause".

Moments after I say, "They can arrest you for suspicion". Well, thanks for the memories and blatant idiocy. If police officers suspect you committed a crime, they can "arrest" you and hold you for 24 hours on suspicion of that crime. You actually being "arrested" doesn't happen until they charge you with something. You are "detained" up until that point. If an officer can prove suspicion at nearly any point of the encounter, you're screwed on that front.

Do you really want to die on the hill of, "They can't arrest me, I wasn't doin' nothin' suspicious!"? I wouldn't. I'd rather just man up, not do suspicious shit, not get "detained" or "arrested" by the police. And, hey, if the police did ever unlawfully hold me, that's what lawyers are for.
Unfortunately, you dumb fucks don't know jack about the law. You fucks love to break the laws and then pretend you didn't. You like to imagine rules don't apply to you. You like to pretend you're smarter than people who study law for 8 years. But, if you're going to ask me to "cite my claims" on common sense... I'm going to ask you to CITE YOUR CLAIMS THAT YOU WERE DOING NOTHING ILLEGAL WHEN YOU WERE ARRESTED.

So, what happened after they were found guilty?

They spent a month in jail because of a hand-written license plate. You can't make this stuff up!
« Letzte Änderung: 24. Juni 2018, 19:41:34 von dtx »
Folgende Mitglieder bedankten sich: comsubpac, Neubuerger